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CBN丨Super Golden Week holiday data shows consumption boom


(原标题:CBN丨Super Golden Week holiday data shows consumption boom)

Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.


Coming up on today’s program.


  • Just-ended Golden Week data reflect a strong rebound in holiday spendings;

  • Asian Games in Hangzhou ended with China winning 201 golds.

Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours 


This year's combined Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday in China, from Sep 29 to Oct 6, showcased a vibrant travel and entertainment landscape with busy highways, crowded tourist spots and a thriving film industry.

According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, domestic attractions welcomed around 826 million visitors during the holiday, marking a 71.3 percent year-on-year increase and a 4.1 percent growth compared to 2019 figures before the pandemic.

Tourism-related revenue also surged, totaling about 753.4 billion yuan over the eight days, a year-on-year increase of 129.5 percent and a 1.5 percent growth compared to 2019 numbers.

National-level nighttime cultural and tourism hubs played a vital role in boosting nighttime consumer activity. From 6:00 pm on Sep 28 to 6:00 am on Oct 6, these 243 hubs attracted 112 million visitors, averaging 57,600 visitors per night, marking a substantial increase in foot traffic and economic activity.

The Ministry of Commerce said that in the first seven days of the holidays, sales of gold, silver and other jewelry, as well as communication equipment increased more than 10 percent year-on-year at retail enterprises monitored by the ministry, while sales of automobiles and cosmetics rose about 7 percent year-on-year.

According to the Ministry of Transport, a total of 141 million passengers traveled by railways during the Golden Week, which is a 158 percent jump from 2022. Civil aviation accommodated 17.1 million passengers, up 195 percent from the previous year, while national expressways hosted 483 million vehicles, a historic high.

Border inspection agencies across China saw more than 11.8 million entry and exit trips made during the eight-day holiday, with an average of 1.48 million trips per day, a 2.9-fold increase compared with the same period of 2022, according to the National Immigration Administration.

Meanwhile, the holiday concluded with a total box office of 2.734 billion yuan, the fourth highest box office in the period's history. The total number of tickets sold exceeded 65.1 million, showing an impressive 80 percent year-on-year growth, according to a report released by Chinese ticketing platform Maoyan on Saturday.





出行方式方面,高铁受到青睐,自驾游热度飙升。据交通运输部公布的数据,八天假期,铁路共发送旅客1.41亿人次,总人次超过2019年国庆运输期人次,日均发送1763.6万人次,比2022年同期日均增长158.0%。全国民航累计运输旅客1708.2万人次,日均运输旅客213.5万人次,比2019年国庆假期 (日均189.7万人次)增长12.6%,比2022年国庆假期 (日均72.4万人次)增长194.9%。自驾游热度飙升,首日全国高速公路流量达到约6600万辆次,创历史新高,八天流量累计达到4.83亿辆次,日均6043万辆次。




Moving on to regional highlights


  • The 19th Asian Games ended successfully in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province on Sunday. Over the past 16 days, around 12,000 athletes from 45 countries and regions shared unforgettable moments in Hangzhou, marking the third time that China has hosted the continental multi-sports event, following Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010. China clinched 201 golds, 111 silvers and 71 bronzes, finishing atop the medal tally for the 11th consecutive edition since 1982. The Hangzhou Asiad also produced world-leading performances with a total of 15 world records having been broken. Meantime, over 3.05 million tickets for Hangzhou Asian Games have been sold with revenues exceeding 610 million yuan, organizers said on Saturday.


  • South China's Hainan province recorded a boom in duty-free consumption during the Golden Week holiday, with offshore duty-free sales reaching 1.33 billion yuan, an increase of 117 percent compared with the same period last year, according to Haikou Customs. During the period, the number of duty-free consumers also reached 170,000, a year-on-year growth of 143 percent.


Greater Bay Area, Greater future


  • Tourism has surged across the Greater Bay Area over this year's Golden Week holidays. Total arrivals and departures from Macao over the eight-day holidays were reported at 4.6 million, of which more than 931,400 were inbound tourists to Macao, according to the data released by Macao Government Tourist Office on Saturday. In Hong Kong, over one million tourists visited the city over the holiday, and more than 1.14 million Hong Kong residents traveled to the mainland from Sep 29 to Oct 2, of which, about 74 percent headed to the mainland through land checkpoints and the West Kowloon express rail, according to Hong Kong Immigration department.


  • The Guiyang-Guangzhou high-speed railway will raise its operating speed to 300 kilometers per hour from 250 kilometers per hour starting on Wednesday. The move will shorten the travel time between Southwest China and the Greater Bay Area. Operation of the 857-kilometer high-speed railway linking Guizhou Province to Guangdong Province began in 2014, and due to the complex terrain with mountains and hills, the initial speed of the railway was restricted at no more than 250 kilometers per hour. 


Next on industry and company news


  • China will step up efforts to build its computing power, which will give the country an edge in building up its digital economy and injecting new vitality into the intelligent transformation of its industries, according to a new plan unveiled on Monday. The plan, released by ministries including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said the country aims to have its total computing power reach 300 EFLOPS by 2025. In terms of data storage and network capacity, relevant authorities set the goal that the country's total storage capacity will reach 1,800 exabyte by 2025, of which advanced storage capacity will account for over 30 percent. Meanwhile, a range of new business models will be established, and the penetration in sectors including industry and finance will be notably improved, according to the circular.

    六部门印发算力设施计划:10月8日,工业和信息化部等六部门联合印发《算力基础设施高质量发展行动计划》,提出到2025年,计算力方面,算力规模超过300 EFLOPS,智能算力占比达到35%,东西部算力平衡协调发展。运载力方面,国家枢纽节点数据中心集群间基本实现不高于理论时延1.5倍的直连网络传输,重点应用场所光传送网(OTN)覆盖率达到80%,骨干网、城域网全面支持IPv6,SRv6等创新技术使用占比达到40%。存储力方面,存储总量超过1800EB,先进存储容量占比达到30%以上,重点行业核心数据、重要数据灾备覆盖率达到100%。

  • Sales of passenger NEVs in China totaled 789,000 units in August, accounting for 64.6 percent of the global total, said the China Passenger Car Association on Friday. In the first eight months, sales of passenger NEVs across the world stood at 8.23 million units. Of the figure, 61 percent were sold in China, the world's largest market for such vehicles. China's total NEV sales, including passenger vehicles and commercial ones, totaled 846,000 units in August. In the January-August period, their sales reached 5.37 million units in the country, up 39.2 percent year-on-year.


  • The founder and CEO of Li Auto has resigned from the positions of legal representative and manager at the units of the Chinese new energy vehicle startup. Li Xiang stepped down, and Feng Weili will replace him, according to corporate information platform Qichacha on Saturday. Li will continue to serve as the executive director of the units.  


  • The chief information officer of Baidu has been appointed as the new CEO of Xiaodu Technology, a leading developer of conversational artificial intelligence systems and smart screens under the Chinese tech giant. Xiaodu’s CEO Jing Kun resigned, and Baidu’s CIO Li Ying will replace him, media reported citing a Baidu internal letter. Xiaodu completed its latest fundraising round in January, which valued the company at about 35.5 billion yuan.


  • The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) said on Monday that it will investigate air-conditioning equipment maker Zhejiang Guoxiang Co Ltd after its IPO process has been suspended amid media reports over alleged issues such as “secondary listing for the same assets” and “deliberate overpricing”. In a statement, the SSE introduced the pre-IPO review and regulatory situation of Zhejiang Guoxiang and said that it will organize a special investigation to address investor concerns. The exchange will decide whether to take subsequent actions based on the results of the special probe.

    上交所回应浙江国祥暂停IPO发行:针对浙江国祥暂停IPO发行,10月9日,上交所有关负责人就相关事项答记者问时表示,近日,有自媒体关注浙江国祥存在同一资产二次上市、发行定价较高等问题。 上交所高度重视有关报道和质疑,本着对市场负责、对投资者负责的态度,决定对浙江国祥开展专项核查。 目前,浙江国祥已暂停IPO发行程序。 

Switching gears to financial news


  • China's two major stock markets - the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) - on Saturday dismissed online rumors that the A-share market will extend trading hours and that some stocks will pilot T+0 trading settlement after the Golden Week holidays. "The related information is not accurate," an official with the SSE told media on Saturday. The stock exchanges are currently conducting in-depth research and analysis of trading hour extension in accordance with the unified plan of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), the SSE official said.


  • China's foreign exchange reserves came in at $3.1151 trillion at the end of September, down from $3.1601 trillion at the end of August, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said Saturday. The country's foreign exchange regulator attributed this decrease to the combined impact of currency translation and asset price changes. Meanwhile, the country's gold reserves increased for the 11th month in a row. As of Sep 30, the country had 70.5 million ounces of gold, up 840,000 ounces from the end of the previous month.


  • HSBC China announced on Monday that it has reached an agreement with Citi China to acquire the latter's consumer wealth management business, a move seen as a boost to HSBC's investment in China. The deal covers assets under management and deposits of about $3.6 billion in 11 Chinese cities as of August. Citi China's consumer wealth management business employees are expected to be invited to join HSBC China.


Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market


  • Chinese stocks closed lower on Monday with the benchmark Shanghai Composite down 0.4 percent and the Shenzhen Component ending nearly flat, while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index and the TECH index each gained 0.2 percent.


Biz Word of the Day


  • EFLOPS is a unit of the speed of computer systems. It equals to one quintillion floating-point operations per second.

    每秒浮点运算次数(Floating-point operations per second, FLOPS),即每秒所执行的浮点运算次数。浮点运算即是小数的四则运算,常用来测量电脑运算速度或被用来估算电脑效能,尤其是在使用到大量浮点运算的科学计算领域中。一个EFLOPS(exaFLOPS)等于每秒一百京/一百亿亿(1018)次的浮点运算。

Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI 

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委:  于晓娜






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