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CBN丨6th CIIE kicks off in Shanghai


(原标题:CBN丨6th CIIE kicks off in Shanghai)

Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.


Coming up on today’s program.


  • 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) opened in Shanghai on Sunday;

  • New finance minister said China will accelerate the issuance and use of government bonds.

Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours 


The 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE), the world's biggest import fair, kicked off in Shanghai on Sunday, with more than 3,400 global exhibitors gathering at the expo.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang, when speaking to about 1,500 government officials and business leaders at the opening ceremony, said consumer vigor and further opening up in China could give a much-needed boost to the stalling global economy.

Li pledged that China would further relax policies and buy more goods from foreign businesses, offering greater opportunities to international companies.

"China's 400 million middle-income consumers represent a colossal purchasing power and offer huge market potential to tap," he said, adding that other major economies should make "a concerted effort" with Beijing to pursue mutual benefit amid globalization.

It is the first time in three years that a top Chinese leader has attended the import fair.

Over the next five years, China's imports in goods and services are expected to reach $17 trillion in cumulative terms, Li said, noting that China will continue to promote the greater opening-up of market opportunities, and it will develop more high-level opening-up platforms such as pilot free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port.

He repeated China's readiness to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement as part of broader efforts to widen market access and protect the legitimate interests of foreign investors.

According to the newly released World Openness Index at the CIIE, China achieved a significant progress in promoting high-quality opening-up as its openness index rose from 0.6789 in 2008 to 0.7517 in 2022, with an index growth ranking among the top countries worldwide. Meanwhile, the nation’s ranking from 2012 to 2022 jumped from 47 to 40 globally. 

A total of 289 of the world's top 500 and industry-leading enterprises are set to participate in the 6th CIIE, according to China's Ministry of Commerce. More than 3,400 exhibitors and 410,000 professional visitors have registered to attend, marking a full return to pre-pandemic levels.











6th CIIE in focus


  • COFCO Group, China's largest food trader in terms of sales revenue, has inked agreements with global suppliers to import more than $10 billion worth of agricultural products at the ongoing sixth CIIE. Announced on Monday, COFCO Group declared that these agreements have established new records in contract value, import volume and the range of source countries, marking a significant milestone since the company's initial participation in the first CIIE.


  • Sinochem Holdings, China's State-owned multinational conglomerate, signed over $13.5 billion of procurement deals with various parties at the CIIE. Sinochem sealed deals with over 30 clients from more than ten countries, covering various fields such as crude oil and refined oil, food and agricultural products, chemical products, manufacturing equipment and trade in services. Sinochem Holdings has signed agreements with multinational corporations, including Saudi Aramco, Vitol Group, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and Dow Chemical Company.


  • China's energy major Sinopec struck a series of purchase agreements worth $40.3 billion at the CIIE on Saturday. Among the deals, Sinopec inked a 27-year liquefied natural gas (LNG) purchase deal with QatarEnergy, the company said. At a centralized signing ceremony, Sinopec reached deals with 38 partners from 16 countries and regions, encompassing 11 major categories and 29 product types including crude oil, chemicals, equipment, materials, and agricultural products. Since the inaugural CIIE in 2018, Sinopec has accumulated business contracts valued at over $244 billion, it said.


  • UK pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca announced an investment of nearly $400 million in Wuxi, China's Jiangsu province, to introduce continuous direct compression and sustainable packaging production lines on Sunday at the CIIE. It also signed an investment cooperation agreement with the Taizhou Pharmaceutical High-tech Zone on its Xigduo XR extended-release tablets and inked several contracts with Shandong province.


  • US-based global materials science company Dow signed a $300 million memorandum of understanding with ZKH Group at the CIIE on Sunday, marking "The First Order of The First Day" at this year’s expo. The companies will cooperate to tap into burgeoning silicone markets downstream, such as electrification, transportation, packaging and construction. This is the sixth consecutive year that Dow has participated in the CIIE.


Moving on to regional highlights


  • China's first domestically made large cruise ship, named Adora Magic City, was formally delivered over the weekend, a development that experts said marks a breakthrough for China's high-end manufacturing and international cooperation. Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co - a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corp - signed documents formalizing the delivery of Adora Magic City with CSSC Cruise Technology Development Co and Adora Cruises in Shanghai on Saturday, with preparations for its commercial operation fully underway. Tickets for the maiden voyage, scheduled on January 1, 2024, have been available since September 20.


Greater Bay Area, Greater future


  • The 134th session of the Canton Fair concluded its offline exhibitions in the southern Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou on Saturday with an export turnover of $22.3 billion, increasing 2.8 percent from the previous edition. As of Friday, overseas buyers from 229 countries and regions participated in the fair both online and offline, among which 197,869 took part in the offline events, up by 53.4 percent over the previous session, while buyers from Belt and Road countries reached 126,343, accounting for 63.9 percent of the total, an increase of 68.6 percent. 

    134届广交会线下出口成交223亿美元: 第134届广交会线下展于11月4日在广州圆满落幕,实现线下出口成交额223亿美元,比第133届增长2.8%,呈恢复性增长态势。截至11月3日,共有来自229个国家和地区的境外采购商线上线下参会。其中,线下参会的境外采购商197,869人,比第133届增长53.4%,比疫情前的第126届增长6.4%。“一带一路”共建国家采购商126,343人,占比63.9%,比第133届增长68.6%。

Switching gears to financial news


  • China will frontload part of local government special-purpose bonds set for next year and enhance funds management and efficiency, as part of the efforts to sustain economic recovery, said Finance Minister Lan Fo'an in an interview published on Sunday. The ministry will accelerate issuance of the planned new treasury bonds, enhance supervision of related policy implementation, and help prevent and resolve financial sector risks, Lan said. The ministry will steadily promote the resolution of local government debt risk and increase efforts to better leverage the role of special bonds to boost the economy, he noted. 


Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market


  • Chinese stocks closed with big gains on Monday as the benchmark Shanghai Composite added 0.9 percent and the Shenzhen Component jumped 2.2 percent, with total turnover of the day hitting 1 trillion yuan. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index also jumped 1.7 percent and the TECH index rallied 4.1 percent.


Biz Word of the Day


  • The China International Import Expo (CIIE) is a trade fair held in autumn annually since 2018 in Shanghai, China. It is the world's first import-themed national-level expo. It will feature exhibitions of multiple countries and businesses and the Hongqiao International Economic and Trade Forum. 

    中国国际进口博览由中华人民共和国商务部、上海市人民政府主办,旨在坚定支持贸易自由化和经济全球化、主动向世界开放市场。 中国国际进口博览会在全球博览会中是以进口为主题的唯一的国家级博览会,是国际贸易史上的一大创举,也是中国主动对世界开放市场的一个重要举措。

Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI 

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委:  于晓娜






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