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New Batch of GBA Rule Coordination Cases Unveiled: Broader Scope, Greater Impact, Deeper Levels


(原标题:New Batch of GBA Rule Coordination Cases Unveiled: Broader Scope, Greater Impact, Deeper Levels)

南方财经全媒体记者 袁思杰 实习生李美偲 广州报道

“Guangdong has implemented the Bay Area Connectivity Project as a key initiative, collaborating with Hong Kong and Macao to promote the alignment of rules and mechanisms in the Greater Bay Area. This project has addressed a number of high-priority issues, while also exploring effective methods for promoting rule alignment within the framework of ‘one country, two systems,’”Zhu Wei, Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, told at the news conference in Guangzhou, the provincial capital, on Thursday.

The Guangdong Provincial Office of the Leading Group for the Development of the GBA released the third batch of 16 typical rule coordination mechanism cases in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) in Guangzhou on January 23, 2025. 

In 2025, several cross-border projects on improving people’s livelihood of the Greater Bay Area are on the list, including “Non-Chinese Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents’ Application for the Mainland Travel Permit”, “Mutual Recognition of the Carbon Labels of Products in Guangdong and Hong Kong”, and “The Cross-Border Transportation Card for Public Transit in the Bay Area”.

These initiatives underscore Guangdong’s ongoing commitment to improving the well-being and quality of life for residents within the Greater Bay Area, furthering the region’s development and prosperity.

In addition, other cases cover the field of business environment improvement and major platform construction, including Hetao, Nansha, Qianhai and Hengqin’s collaborations integration with Hong Kong and Macao.

Compared with the first two batches of typical cases, the third batch continues to feature high innovative value and strong positive demonstration effects within the region, with notable advancements in broader scope, greater impact, and deeper levels.

To summarize these cases, there are unique 5 modes.

Among these modes, Legislative Innovation Model involves using legislative means to promote rule connection at the legal level. For instance, Shenzhen has enacted the Qianhai Cooperation Zone Regulations, which allow parties to civil and commercial contracts registered in Qianhai, including those from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan regions, as well as foreign-invested enterprises, to choose the applicable law through agreement.

Besides, Zhuhai has also introduced the Hengqin Cooperation Zone Professional Management Regulations, facilitating the convenient practice of medical professionals from Macao in the zone.

Innovative Channel Model, which creates specific rules or mechanisms, has enabled the cross-border flow of elements within a limited area. Cross-Border Wealth Management Connect and Bond Connect are some successful examples.

“These initiatives facilitate two-way communication between Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao financial markets in a relatively closed and controllable environment,” Zhu added.

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