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SFC Market Talk | How do Dongguan Trendy Toys Fuel the "Ne Zha Economics"?

来源:21世纪经济报道 媒体 2025-02-26 14:12:54

(原标题:SFC Market Talk | How do Dongguan Trendy Toys Fuel the "Ne Zha Economics"?)

南方财经全媒体记者杨雨莱 广州报道

The fire of "Ne Zha Economics" continues to burn brighter.

As of February 25, the total box office revenue of the film “Ne Zha 2” has exceeded 13.8 billion yuan, making it the first Asian film to enter the global box office top 8.

However, box office revenue is merely one dimension of the value of the Ne Zha IP.The various revenues from its derivative industry chain determine the unlimited potential of the IP value. According to statistics, within just half a month of its release, the derivative product revenue of “Ne Zha 2” has exceeded 400 million yuan and continues to grow at a high speed.

It was the trendy toy enterprises in Dongguan, Guangdong, that captured the immense popularity of "Ne Zha 2." Leveraging its highly efficient full-industry-chain for trendy toys as a "barrier technique", Dongguan accurately stepped onto the "wind fire wheels" of Ne Zha trendy toys.

Dongguan, known as the “Capital of Trendy Toys,” is home to over 4,000 toy production enterprises and nearly 1,500 supporting businesses, with products exported to many countries and regions worldwide.

Official data shows that in 2024, the trendy toy industry cluster of 97 enterprises in Dongguan Shi Pai Town achieved a total output value of 13.22 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 12.28%.

Last September of 2024, Wo Works Culture (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. received an order to produce the “Pai Pai Zuo Mini Series” plastic toys for “Ne Zha 2.” Wo Works finalized the design and production plan for the first batch of 10,000 sets and 300,000 products in just three days.

After the Spring Festival, a second batch of orders worth 1 billion yuan arrived, a scale 500 times that of the first batch.

In fact, the huge orders for Ne Zha are not simply gifts from the heavens, but rather a testament to the strong manufacturing appeal of Dongguan's trendy toy industry.

To cope with the influx of booming orders, Dongguan's trendy toy industry chain can rapidly initiate deep collaboration. More than ten mold factories, over ten manufacturers, and hundreds of raw material and spraying enterprises can take joint action within 24 hours to achieve an "integrated large-scale operation."

Products that typically take about half a month to deliver in the industry can have their delivery time shortened to 10 days in Shipai Town, Dongguan, the global base for trendy toy manufacturing. This is thanks to the complete trendy toy industry chain and ecosystem there, which allows production to achieve “accelerated speed.”

Under this integrated operation model, it is the efficiency explosion enabled by the "AI+" empowerment of Dongguan's trendy toy enterprises.

At the end of 2024, Dongguan trendy toy companies such as Wo Works and Weisi Company jointly established the Dongguan Trendy Toy AI Design and Prototyping Center with the Dongguan AI Research Institute and several universities, making it the first and most influential “AI + trendy toy industry” innovative platform in the country.

The rising tide of Dongguan's trendy toy industry serves as an excellent testament to the comprehensive advantages of Guangdong's industrial system, including its robust supply chain network, mature industrial cluster support, and deep reserves of technical talent. It is also a splendid example of Guangdong's high-quality development in practice.

Chief Producer: Yu Xiaona

Supervising Producer: Shi Shi

Editor: Li Yinong

Reporter: Yang Yulai

Video Editor: Cai Yutian 

New Media Coordination: Ding Qingyun, Zeng Tingfang, Lai Xi, Huang Daxun

Overseas Operations Supervising Producer: Huang Yanshu

Overseas Content Coordinator: Huang Zihao

Overseas Operations Editors: Zhuang Huan, Wu Wanjie, Long Lihua, Zhang Weitao

Produced by: Southern Finance Omnimedia Group

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